Friday, 28 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Saturday 29th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Saturday 29th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 

You make plans for today, for tomorrow, for a few weeks, months or years from now. Fine, but do you set a place aside for the Lord in your plans? He says to you, ‘I have given you life, joy and beauty; I have given you a family, friends and so many other riches. Why do you not make room for me in your heart, whereas you welcome anyone in, even thieves, who will take everything from you? Do not be surprised when you no longer find any meaning to your life.’

The meaning of life is never given by the world below, by matter. It is given by the world above – by spirit, by the spark, the fire, the light that witnesses to the presence of the Divinity in us, just as an altar witnesses to its presence in a shrine. So, make place for God within you, not half-heartedly, but completely. By having a strong sense of his presence, you will find how rich and full of meaning your life becomes..
…………….Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Why Did Jesus Become a Human?

Why Did Jesus Become a Human?

Greg Laurie

Hebrews 4:15-16 says, "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (NKJV). Talk about having friends in high places. The Bible is saying that you are not serving a God who is disinterested in you. You are not serving a God who doesn't know what it is like to literally walk in your shoes. So you can go boldly to the throne of grace and find grace to help in time of need.

Jesus Christ, who was God in human form, never lived for a moment outside of the perfect will of God. He never gave in to a temptation. He never had an impure thought. He never did one wrong thing. He never displeased His Father in the smallest matter. He was flawless. He was sinless. He was perfect.

So why did Jesus come to earth as God in human form? Was it to give us the ultimate teachings ever? No. Though they were the greatest teachings ever given, He came here for more than that. Did Jesus come to set the perfect example of how a man or woman should live? He came to do that and much more. Did Jesus walk this earth merely to do miracles and heal people? While He always reached out to people in need, that was not His primary purpose.

C. S. Lewis said it well: "The Son of God became a man that men might become sons of God." God became a man so that you might become God's child. Now that is something worth celebrating.

Taken from "When God Became a Man" by Harvest Ministries (used by permission).

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

2012 Video Series: 79: ‘Vigil Christmas Day Hearing and Seeing God.’

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / This video is one of a whole new series dedicated 2 ‘Preparing YOU for the Influx of Light from the Company of Heaven,’ dedicated to embracing the ‘Difemasc Healing energies’ of the Divine Masculine, the Cosmic Christ, with the Divine feminine-Mary Magdalene. 2012 Video Series: 79: ‘Vigil Christmas Day Hearing and Seeing God.’ Christ Consciousness reflects on the selfless gifting from a Father Mother God & Gaia as a co-creator of God as a core element of embracing Cosmic Christ Consciousness and working with Gaia and the Animal kingdoms depicted in the ancient teachings of indiginous people. On the 21st December 2012, something pretty amazing is going to happen! R U Ready 4 it? This energetic shift of consciousness asks that we are balanced with both energies and that we surrender our hearts to the Mystic Heart of the Supreme. Join us for our nightly soul reflection

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

live recording of Brother Sean leading Evening Vespers for Christmas Day

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - /  This video is a live recording of Brother Sean leading Evening Vespers -one of the daily prayers said by men and women who have dedicated their hearts and lives to God as monastics (monks or nuns). The reason why Brother Sean recites both Morning Prayer of Lauds (09.00 AM) and Evening Vespers (05.00PM) is twofold; namely, to glorify God on earth and secondly to  remember the whole family of God by interceeding to God for their needs. There are many different types of prayer such as formal like evening vespers and there is the less formal prayers of the heart. All are acceptable to God when said in a spirit of love. Why not come and join us at our nightly soul reflection on Livestream from: 24.00 hrs (GMT). Here is the link:

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST

Monday, 24 December 2012

Recording of our Midnight Vigil on Christmas Eve on Livestream

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - /  This video is a live recording of our Christmas Eve midnight vigil where we reflected on the account of the shephers being visited by Angels to tell them of the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem. Using a guided heart 2 heart visualisation we joined Mary and Joseph with the animals to not just witness the actual birth of the Christ child but to be willing and active participants during the birthing process. The conclusion is that we leave the meditation led by Brother Sean knowing that we each received a personal gift from Mother Mary and her newborn son a ‘spiritual re-birthing of the Cosmic Christ within our heart on this First ever Christmas of the New Dawn of Aquarius. Join us for our nightly soul reflection from: 24.00 hrs (GMT)

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST

Spiritual Reflection For Christmas Day – Tuesday 25th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Christmas Day – Tuesday 25th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 

What we call spirit and soul are two inner realities corresponding to the two great creative principles – masculine and feminine – known as cosmic Spirit and universal Soul. So, like them, we too are creators. Yes, we too have the power to create, but on one condition: that we provide our spirit and soul (the masculine and feminine principles in us) with all the conditions necessary for their expression.

The activities that make us true creators are prayer, meditation, contemplation and identification. In our desire to elevate ourselves and enter into the universal Soul, we fertilize the light, the very matter of creation, with our spirit. Thus, our soul receives seeds from the cosmic Spirit and gives birth to divine children – to inspiration, joy and actions that are just, kind and noble....
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Prayer to Jesus in the Manger

Prayer to Jesus in the Manger
O Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, prostrate before Thy crib, I believe Thou art the God of infinite Majesty, even though I do see Thee here as a helpless babe. I humbly adore and thank Thee for having so humbled Thyself for my salvation as to will to be born in a stable. I thank Thee for all Thou didst wish to suffer for me in Bethlehem, for Thy poverty and humility, for Thy nakedness, tears, cold and sufferings.
Would that I could show Thee that tenderness which Thy Virgin Mother had toward Thee, and love Thee as she did. Would that I could praise Thee with the joy of the angels, that I could kneel before Thee with the faith of St. Joseph, the simplicity of the shepherds. Uniting myself with these first adorers at the crib, I offer Thee the homage of my heart, and I beg that Thou wouldst be born spiritually in my soul.
Make me reflect in some degree the virtues of Thy admirable nativity. Fill me with that spirit of renunciation, of poverty, of humility, which prompted Thee to assume the weakness of our nature, and to be born amid destitution and suffering. Grant that from this day forward, I may in all things seek Thy greater glory, and may enjoy that peace promised to men of good will.

Christmas is a re-birthing of the Cosmic Christ into all hearts of all beliefs

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / Brother Sean was guided to record this video on Christmas Eve morning by the Beloved Jesus to invite all the children of God from all faiths and none to consider doing something magnanimous for Peace. As this is the 1st celebration of Christmas in the Dawn of Aquarius, the Company of Heaven are inviting all men, women and children from all faith traditions to come to the Manager in Bethlehem and there allow the Cosmic Christ be re-born in their soul-their higher self-their I AM PRESENCE. Because this Christmas has a spiritual significance 4 all faiths and none to embrace their God by surrendering their hearts to the Supreme, this allows each heart to see the face of the Cosmic Christ.

Brother Sean’s regular contributions to Youtube is as a result of Jesus speaking to his heart to invite you and all mankind eembrace the Mystical Heart of the Supreme God/Dess. Join us for our nightly soul reflection from: 24.00 hrs (GMT)

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Christmas Eve -Monday 24th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Christmas Eve -Monday 24th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Wherever you live, whether it is in a small room or a large house, the walls, furniture and objects are permeated with your emanations. This is the magical aspect of presence: you leave etheric particles on everything around you, particularly on the objects you touch, and these particles conduct positive or harmful influences. If you are forever sending out negative thoughts, words and feelings, these objects become like magnets, attracting everything in the universe that is bad. Of course, the opposite is also true: if your emanations are imbued with wisdom and love, you deposit good fluids on the objects around you, and they become conductors for light, joy and health.

From now on, make a habit of doing this exercise: learn to handle the objects in every room of your house with care and love, asking the divine Spirit to extend its blessing to them. Say, ‘Spirit of light, purity and truth, I dedicate these objects to you, so that they may become a receptacle for you, an instrument for your power.’ Spirit will come to dwell in your home... Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel
24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Sunday 23nd December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Sunday 23nd December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 

 Faith is not an irrational feeling; it is based on the experiences we had during our past incarnations, which have been inscribed in our soul. Yes, the origin of our faith lies in everything we studied, verified and experienced in our former lives. We can only have faith in what we have experienced; otherwise, we are talking not of faith but of belief. If you have faith in God, it is because you have communed with him, you have touched him, and this contact has left such a strong mark that you can no longer doubt – faith in God is etched within you.

If you can state that a particular path leads to a particular place, it is because you know the route. However, if you state that taking a particular route will lead to palaces and gardens, yet what you find are only swamps or precipices, it just means that you were driven by the need to believe and not by the certainty of faith. Belief arises from a subjective wish: you imagine it will come true, but usually it is not the case. Faith, on the other hand, is an absolute certainty that becomes a reality..
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel
24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Friday, 21 December 2012

2012 Video Series: 74: Karmic Releasing of Old Vows before the Cosmic Christ

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / This video is a recording of Brother Sean’s contribution on Gaia’s channel 4 global peace. The video takes a light hearted view of the true meaning of 2012 using several examples how mankind today is more preoccupied texting family and friends rather than connecting with  God of love. Join us for our nightly soul reflection from: 24.00 hrs (GMT)

2012 Video Series: 74: Karmic Releasing of Old Vows before the Cosmic Christ.’

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / 2012 Video Series: 74: Karmic Releasing of Old Vows before the Cosmic Christ.’  This is a recording of the live prayer vigil that took place at 08.00pm on Livestream.  This video is one of a whole new series dedicated 2 ‘Preparing YOU for the Influx of Light from the Company of Heaven,’ dedicated to embracing the ‘Difemasc Healing energies’ of the Divine Masculine, the Cosmic Christ, with the Divine feminine-Mary Magdalene. Christ Consciousness reflects on the selfless gifting from a Father Mother God & Gaia as a co-creator of God as a core element of embracing Cosmic Christ Consciousness and working with Gaia and the Animal kingdoms depicted in the ancient teachings of indiginous people. On the 21st December 2012, something pretty amazing is going to happen! R U Ready 4 it? This energetic shift of consciousness asks that we are balanced with both energies and that we surrender our hearts to the Mystic Heart of the Supreme. Join us for our nightly soul reflection

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Spiritual Reflection For Saturday 22nd December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Saturday 22nd December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 

Writing does not consist merely in tracing signs, characters, on paper or some other material. Writing, in the initiatic sense of the word, is an act of will, a stripping down. Writing consists firstly in subjugating something in oneself and then in expressing it outwardly as a gift to others. To write is to leave a mark, and some artists and philosophers have left magnificent marks, which are still being studied and are still providing food for us after thousands of years.

But over and above philosophers and artists, there are great initiates who are true creators, for they work with divine magic, theurgy. They trace a few words in space, and these words, written in letters of fire, become imprinted on hearts and minds everywhere..
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Friday 21st December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Friday 21st December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 

Earth, water and air are all means of purification, and I have given you methods, exercises to do with them. But the most powerful means of purification is fire. Nothing can resist fire. The initiatic tradition therefore teaches that humans have to undergo fire for transformation to take place – not physical fire, of course, but psychic fire.

On the psychic plane there are two sorts of fire: the fire of suffering and the fire of spiritual love. All those who are very stubborn and determined to walk the path of wickedness and who can only be made to reflect and change through trials are forced to undergo the fire of suffering. Those who want to avoid that fire must work with the fire of love, which will make them luminous and radiant. And although they still have to suffer – since on earth trials are unavoidable – the fire of spiritual love will burn more brightly in them and enable them to overcome their trials. The ordinary fire of suffering enslaves men and women; the fire of spiritual love sets them free. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

God first sent Moses to teach men justice later he sent Jesus to teach them love and forgiveness.

“God first sent Moses to teach men justice later he sent Jesus to teach them love and forgiveness. True, but we must not leave it at that. To forgive our enemies and turn the other cheek is far nobler than to demand an eye for an eye, but there is something even better.

"It is in the midst of difficulties that man develops his intelligence because, in order to overcome them, he must observe, think and become clear-sighted. Nature has put difficulties here and there in life to develop her children's intelligence, but the children do not develop: they waste their time and energy crying, complaining, getting angry and upset, instead of trying to understand and look for solutions. Obviously when they are exhausted they calm down, but the difficulties are still there; their energies are gone but their problems remain. What a weird method!

I ask someone, 'How long did you cry? - three hours. - Did you solve the problem? - No. - Well, next time, cry just ten minutes. As you would miss not crying, do it, but no more than ten minutes; and once the ten minutes is over, start thinking!' "

 "Is there a law against being stronger than your enemy? Is there anything to forbid you from picking up your aggressor by the scruff of his neck and asking him, ‘do you want me to smash you to the ground?’ If you did this he would soon see how strong you were. And then, if you put him gently on his feet again instead of throwing him violently to the ground, he would begin to respect you. Would this not be much better than always allowing yourself to be defeated and ill-treated? You must be stronger than your enemies, capable with a single word, gesture, or glance, of paralysing them and making them feel so small and vulnerable that they beat a retreat. If you cannot be a winner on the physical plane, you can at least try to be a winner on the mental plane. Would this not be far better than allowing dishonest, cruel, evil people to destroy you?”

“When you feel anxious or irritated, instead of fretting or going round worrying others, just calm down. Start by controlling your breathing, then say a word with love, do something with love, send a loving thought, and you will see that what was brewing inside you and turning sour has been washed away. In asking love for help, you have opened a spring within you, and now you can leave love to do its purifying work. You see, it is quite easy, you only have to open up your heart to let love come flooding in. Try it, and you will wonder why you never tried it before. We hear love spoken of, and we make fun of it, and play around with it, instead of using it as the most effective means of salvation.”

"Meditation has become fashionable lately. More and more people meditate, or so it would seem. But what can such meditation without any preparation bring them? How can they meditate if they do not have a high ideal, if they have not relinquished their whims, their debauched living, their disordered thoughts and desires, their wine and their tobacco? They say they meditate. And what is the subject of their meditation? Money, power, a man or woman they might seduce? They cannot meditate on celestial subjects because they do not have an ideal with which to tear themselves away from ordinary, animal life, and to pull them up to heaven. Be quite clear on this: you cannot meditate unless you have conquered certain weaknesses and understood certain truths. And not only are you not able to, it is even dangerous to try."

"Disciples who do not know how to behave towards their master because they are unaware of what role a master can play in their lives, prevent their master from being as useful to them as he could be, as he would like to be, and they thus hamper their own progress. It is up to disciples to discover what their relationship should be with their master, how they should regard him and behave towards him. It is not up to the master to make recommendations on this subject. A true master is content with simply giving his teaching; he leaves his disciples free. He will never say: 'You must respect me, admire me, obey me.' No, never. First of all because it would be useless to do so, since respect, admiration or obedience cannot be imposed. Secondly because the master does not need to; he has other sources of joy and satisfaction. It is up to disciples to find the best attitude to adopt towards their master for the sake of their evolution."

"History has known so many revolutions! How many times have human beings experienced changes! And yet the situation has not really improved. Why? Because in spite of these changes, people have not freed themselves from the vicious circle of their lusts and badly controlled instincts. No situation will really improve if mentalities do not improve. People have to leave the region of their lower appetites for changes to become true improvements. If they continue to utilise the same defective materials with the same polluted elements, whatever combinations they may consider, human beings will keep on living in the same disorder and tribulation."


Spiritual Reflection 4 Thursday 20th Dec: 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Thursday 20th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov 


Once a man or a woman has truly found their twin soul, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle everywhere, in all creatures. They love all the women and all the men on earth; they love them spiritually, and they are happy, because they are fulfilled by their twin soul. They no longer experience the emptiness for which others constantly feel they have to find a cure. They feel enriched by every encounter they have. Yes, when you have achieved inner fulfilment, you find your complementary principle in every being. Such experiences cannot be explained or expressed. Only those who have had them can understand them. But what a long way there is to go until then! Always suffering and being disappointed, always looking for someone and not finding them… You think, ‘Ah, this is the one.’ And then, after a while, you realize it isn’t. So, perhaps it’s someone else?… And so it goes on, until you realize you have your twin soul within. But from then on, you find it everywhere.

Now, do not misunderstand me. I am not advising against physical love, the physical union, or condemning it. I am simply explaining that if you want to find true fulfilment, you must unify the two principles within yourself first.
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)


2012 Cosmic Christ Prepares the Heart for 21st december 2012

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / This video is one of a whole new series dedicated 2 ‘Preparing YOU for the Influx of Light from the Company of Heaven,’ dedicated to embracing the ‘Difemasc Healing energies’ of the Divine Masculine, the Cosmic Christ, with the Divine feminine-Mary Magdalene. 2012 Video Series: 70: ‘Trinitarian Healing Energies from the Cosmic Christ.’ Christ Consciousness reflects on the selfless gifting from a Father Mother God & Gaia as a co-creator of God as a core element of embracing Cosmic Christ Consciousness and working with Gaia and the Animal kingdoms depicted in the ancient teachings of indiginous people. On the 21st December 2012, something pretty amazing is going to happen! R U Ready 4 it? This energetic shift of consciousness asks that we are balanced with both energies and that we surrender our hearts to the Mystic Heart of the Supreme. Join us for our nightly soul reflection

24.00 hrs (GMT) -7.00PM (EST) - 6.00 PM (CST) - 5.00 PM (MST) – 4.00 PM ( PST)

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Tuesday 18th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Tuesday 18th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Have you thought about the importance of opening and closing doors? Do you know when to open a door and when to close it? You do know in normal life, of course; all day long you go in and out of doors and let others in or out when they come to visit you. But the doors I am referring to are the ones within you. Those are the ones we have to learn to open and close: to open when we want to reach heavenly realms or allow angels to come into us, and to close so as not to let the dark spirits in, to keep our spiritual riches safe.

There are doors of all kinds within us. In our physical body alone we have twelve – two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, a mouth, two breasts, a navel, and further down two other doors. These doors all connect us with the physical world around us, but what is not known is that they have another function – they bring us in touch with the psychic world and the spiritual world. So that is a vast area of study – when and how to open or close those doors.........
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel Times: 12 midnight (GMT); 07.00pm (EST)

Hi Brother Sean,

I have a very powerful prayer that was given to me by a Trinitarian Nun several years. She lived her faith ..

I have personally seen this prayer do MIRACLES .

I want to send it to you for your healing ... you may already know it.


Heavenly Father

I call on you right now, in special way.

It is through your power that I was created.

Every breath I take, every morning I wake, every moment of every hour I live under your power.

Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power.

For if you created me from nothing, you can certainly recreate me.

Fill me with healing power of your spirit.

Cast out anything that should not be in me.

Mend what is broken.

Root out any unproductive cells.

Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas.

Remove any inflammation and cleanse any infection.

Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body and make new any unhealthy areas, so that my body will function the way you created it to function.

And father, restore me to full health, in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


by Father Larry J. Hess

A Prayer that really Does MIRACLES .

Hi Brother Sean,

I have a very powerful prayer that was given to me by a Trinitarian Nun several years. She lived her faith ..

I have personally seen this prayer do MIRACLES .

I want to send it to you for your healing ... you may already know it.


Heavenly Father

I call on you right now, in special way.

It is through your power that I was created.

Every breath I take, every morning I wake, every moment of every hour I live under your power.

Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power.

For if you created me from nothing, you can certainly recreate me.

Fill me with healing power of your spirit.

Cast out anything that should not be in me.

Mend what is broken.

Root out any unproductive cells.

Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas.

Remove any inflammation and cleanse any infection.

Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body and make new any unhealthy areas, so that my body will function the way you created it to function.

And father, restore me to full health, in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


by Father Larry J. Hess

Important Coming Events on Livestream TV Channel

Important Coming Events on Livestream TV Channel

Friday 21 Dec: ‘The Winter Solstice .’ We cannot let this important day disappear into the ethers without doing something amazing to celebrate the influx of the Cosmic Christ’s love 4 us. Gaia’s Peace Channel will be dedicated to embracing the Cosmic Christ Energies concluding with Brother Sean leading a Karmic Releasing of Old Vows, Pacts, we begin our spiritual life in the Dawn of the new Aquarius’
Saturday 22 Dec: Gaia’s Peace Channel: Brother Sean will lead the 60 mins live show dedicated to the Difemasc Healing Energies of the Divine Masculine (Cosmic Christ) & the Divine Feminine (Magdalene). The show will conclude where Brother Sean will do a visualisation of Therapeutic touch with Magdalene anointing your hands and feet with Spikenard oils.

Tuesday 25 Dec: Gaia’s Channel: Christmas Day- Brother Sean will lead us back 2000 years to the Manger in Bethlehem, Judea to meet the Infant Jesus with Mary, Joseph, Shepherds and the Company of Heaven.

Twilight Spiritual Soiree on Livestream: Each evening from: 24.00 PM (GMT) Brother Sean will continue to share inspired thoughts from the Cosmic Christ 4 our hearts, concluding with a Heart 2 Heart 2 Soul meditation on the Christ Star of Cosmic Love.

Livestream from 12 midnight (GMT)

Something Beautiful for 2013

The Dream and Vision Cosmic Christ‘underpinned by Matthew Fox’s 1st. publication of The Coming of the Cosmic Christ’

A series of live webinars every Sunday from: January 13th. From: 02.00 PM (GMT)

A Blessed Christmas to You All

Sunday, 16 December 2012

A Prayer that really Does MIRACLES .

Hi Brother Sean,

I have a very powerful prayer that was given to me by a Trinitarian Nun several years. She lived her faith ..

I have personally seen this prayer do MIRACLES .

I want to send it to you for your healing ... you may already know it.


Heavenly Father

I call on you right now, in special way.

It is through your power that I was created.

Every breath I take, every morning I wake, every moment of every hour I live under your power.

Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power.

For if you created me from nothing, you can certainly recreate me.

Fill me with healing power of your spirit.

Cast out anything that should not be in me.

Mend what is broken.

Root out any unproductive cells.

Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas.

Remove any inflammation and cleanse any infection.

Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body and make new any unhealthy areas, so that my body will function the way you created it to function.

And father, restore me to full health, in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


by Father Larry J. Hess

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Sunday 16th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Spiritual Reflection For Sunday 16th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Sometimes people say ‘I see’, meaning ‘I understand’. And there are in fact different forms of vision with different names, depending on the level to which they apply. At the highest level, there is vision of the spirit, felt as revelation. Obviously there is no physical, material medium here, and very often you are not actually aware of seeing, and yet you see.

If a higher reality is suddenly revealed to you in the form of an idea, it means you have been able to project rays from your own being to a considerable distance and a great height, rays enabling you to see the structure of the universe, its laws and correspondences. This means the light of the spirit is shining on reality and allowing you to capture its highest aspects. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

 Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel Times: 12 midnight (GMT); 07.00pm (EST)


2012 Video Series: 66: ‘(Dec: 12 MN Vigil) The Cosmic Christ says We R Special.’

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at - - / This video is one of a whole new series dedicated 2 ‘Preparing YOU for the Influx of Light from the Company of Heaven,’ dedicated to embracing the ‘Difemasc Healing energies’ of the Divine Masculine, the Cosmic Christ, with the Divine feminine-Mary Magdalene. 2012 Video Series: 66: ‘(Dec: 12 MN Vigil) The Cosmic Christ says We R Special.’ Christ Consciousness reflects on the selfless gifting from a Father Mother God & Gaia as a co-creator of God as a core element of embracing Cosmic Christ Consciousness and working with Gaia and the Animal kingdoms depicted in the ancient teachings of indiginous people. On the 21st December 2012, something pretty amazing is going to happen! R U Ready 4 it? This energetic shift of consciousness asks that we are balanced with both energies and that we surrender our hearts to the Mystic Heart of the Supreme. Join us for our nightly soul reflection from: 24.00 hrs (GMT)