Tuesday 4 December 2012

Spiritual Reflection For Wednesday 5th December 2012. By Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Jesus said, ‘Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.’ Why does the kingdom of God come first? Because it represents a state of perfection, of fulfilment. Everything is contained in it – health, wealth, beauty, order, freedom, peace, wisdom, love, joy… This is why Jesus adds, ‘and all these things will be given to you as well’. The kingdom of God is the synthesis of everything else, of every blessing one could ask for.

You say, ‘Oh, if I were powerful… If I were rich… If I were beautiful!’ But these are only particular aspects, attributes, of the
kingdom of God, and as soon as you begin to wish for any one in particular, an imbalance sets in. The kingdom of God is above all a state of balance and harmony. If you insist on one point, something else is bound to suffer, and so you are already introducing the seed of disharmony. Everything our soul, spirit, heart, mind and body need is contained in the words ‘the kingdom of God’…..Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Reawakening YOUR Soul’s DNA 2 self heal all that was lost or broken by man’s inhumanity 2 man/woman. Join Brother Sean live for 30 mins where we have a short reflection 4 the new day, concluding with a guided healing meditation embracing the Cosmic Christ /Divine Feminine on our Livestream Channel Times: 12 midnight (GMT); 07.00pm (EST)

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